Utility Billing Department

The City of Roseau performs all of the billing and collection of fees for the City's utility enterprises. All residents and businesses are metered for use of water, sewer and electric utilities. Staff from the Utilities Department read meters utilizing VF automated reading equipment which is downloaded in to a billing program for the automated generation of utility bills.

Each month utility bills are distributed to all utility customers in the community.  Utility customers can help keep utility rates down and protect the environment by signing up for electronic billing instead of receiving a paper bill in the mail.  To sign up for electronic billing, where you will receive an e-mail bill versus a paper bill, sign on to PSN Payments Bill Pay and opt out of future paper billing.

Bill Payment Methods

Accepted payment types include: cash, check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover), e-check and PayPal. 

Payment Locations

  • Mobile - PSN Payments Bill Pay App (Iphone - Apple App Store) & (Android - Google Play)
  • Telephone - (1-877-885-7968)
  • In-person - Utility Billing Office at 1198 Center St W, Roseau, MN 56751
  • Drive-up drop box - City Utility Department 1198 Center St W and north side of the Roseau City Center 114 2nd Street NE
  • Mail - PO Box 307  Roseau, MN 56751 (must be postmarked by the 30th)
  • Automatic payment - payment on the 30th from your account. To enroll complete the  Automatic Payment Authorization Form or go to the PSN Payments Bill Pay site to set up your automatic payment.


Budget Billing

The City of Roseau Utility Department offers a budget billing feature that averages out your yearly utility billings into a single uniform monthly payment.  This feature helps residents manage their monthly bills.  To enroll in budget billing contact the Roseau Utility Department at (218) 463-2351.

Due Date
All services are billed monthly and are due by the 30th of each month.  A 10% late penalty is added to the current bill after the 30th.  If the 30th falls on a Saturday or Sunday or Holiday, payments can be made on the following workday with no penalty. 

A $100 minimum or the monthly bill average if over $100 is required for all renters. 

If electric service is disconnected due to non-payment, a $40 reconnect fee will be  charged.