Mayor & Council
Roseau is a Standard Plan statutory city authorized under Minnesota Statutes, governed by a Weak Mayor-Council plan, composed of the Mayor and four Council Members, who are responsible for all legislative and administrative actions of city government. The Council has appointed five City Department Heads who are employed by the city to carry out the day-to-day business of the city under the direction and approval of the Council. The 5-member Council is elected at-large from the City of Roseau with the Mayor serving a 2-year term and each Council member serving 4 years with 2 Council members elected every two years.
The Mayor chairs council meetings and each member, including the Mayor, has a single, equal vote. No individual council member holds any specific administrative powers or authority not delegated through official action of the full Council. Agendas are available prior to and at the meeting. Members of the public who wish to speak to an agenda item may do so, upon the recognition of the Mayor. Members of the public wishing to address the City Council may request time on the Council agenda or appear during the regular agenda slot reserved for Delegations/Petitions/Complaints on the meeting agenda. Regular Council meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers located in the Roseau City Center; 121 Center St E; Suite 201; Roseau, MN 56751. Special Council meetings may be called from time to time with due public notice at the request of the Mayor, the only items that may be discussed at special meetings are the agenda items outlined on the special meeting agenda public notice.
Minutes of the meetings are recorded and reviewed at the following Council meeting. Once approved, the minutes are available to the public for review.