Roseau City Council Adopts 2023 Final Budget & Levy
At the December 5th Regular City Council meeting the Roseau City Council adopted its 2023 City Tax Levy and City Budget. Also held at the December 5th meeting was the city's Truth in Taxation (TNT) Public Hearing. The public hearing was held at 6 pm and there were no comments provided to the City Council prior to the meeting and no one was in attendance for the hearing. Following the TNT hearing the Council deliberated on the final 2023 tax levy and city budget. After considerable discussion the City Council approved a 2023 city tax levy of $1,123,738 which represents a 5% increase over the 2022 tax levy (or a $53,511 increase). After adopting the final 2023 tax levy the City Council deliberated on the final 2023 City Budget. The Council reviewed the proposed budget and made some changes prior to adopting the final budget. Changes to the 2023 preliminary budget included removing the Oak Crest Estates Phase II project from the capital items and including recommended rate increases to the water rates (10%), garbage rates (5%) and electric rates (3%). The utility rate increases were necessary to keep the enterprises self-sustaining as inflation has narrowed profit margins for future capital investments. The final budget for all city operations has a net positive balance of $6,981 on $10,822,352 in expenditures.