New LOMR Floodplain Maps Become Effective July 31, 2017
The City of Roseau was notified by FEMA Region V on July 7, 2017 that the Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) to the Roseau Floodplain Maps has been approved to go effective on July 31, 2017. What this means for local residents is that nearly all of the parcels within the city limits will be removed from the 100-year regulatory floodplain on July 31, 2017. Furthermore, the new LOMR maps allow most property owners in the city to cancel their mandatory flood insurance policies. Attached are instructions and the documents needed for property owners to provide to their insurance agents to initiate the process of cancelling flood insurance if you choose not to carry flood insurance. For those who choose to continue to maintain their flood insurance policies, you should be able to receive significant reductions in premiums as a result of the changes to the floodplain maps. All properties removed from the 100-year floodplain are listed in Appendix A of the attachments below. The properties are listed by Tax Parcel ID. If you do not see your parcel listed on Appendix A it may be one of a handful of properties that did not appear to be removed from the floodplain as a result of the East Diversion Project LOMR. This does not necessarily mean your properties are still in the floodplain, but they appeared to be in the floodplain from the LOMR maps. Additional investigation on lowest floor elevations, lowest adjacent grades and other data may be necessary to make an official determination. Questions about the new floodplain maps and the process for cancelling flood insurance policies can be directed to Todd Peterson, Community Development Coordinator at 218-463-5003.