Public Notice - EDA Storm Water Project


The U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) is considering a request for Federal assistance from City of Roseau to construct a West Side Storm Sewer Modification in Roseau, Roseau County, Minnesota for the elimination of localized urban flooding. Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, EDA is conducting an environmental assessment (EA) of the proposed project.

The project involves the construction of 4,635 lineal feet of new 42” to 72” storm sewer piping and seven junction manholes. The project will be located parallel to the Minnesota Northern Railroad right of way from 7th Avenue SW to the Roseau River on the north side of the active railroad. The purpose of the project is to eliminate localized urban flooding on the west side of the city of Roseau. The Project alignment will be located partially within the 500-year floodplain along the railroad bed and adjacent to the 100-year floodplain at the storm water pond and existing storm sewer outlet. This project alignment is most efficient and presents the least overall negative impacts to the area and follows the existing storm sewer alignment.  Regardless of the project alignment selected, construction work and project operations within the floodplain will be a requirement since the proposed project storm sewer outlet location will be adjacent to the Roseau River in the existing stormwater pond. The Project will be located adjacent to a stormwater pond/wetland where stormwater from the Project will be discharged into the existing stormwater pond/wetland. This discharge location provides an outlet location for the existing storm sewer system and is the logical discharge point for the new storm sewer system.The mechanisms utilized to mitigate the impacts of the Project on wetlands and floodplain are as follows: assure finished ground elevations post-construction are similar to pre-project conditions, provide energy dissipation measures at the outlet of the new storm sewer pipe to minimize erosion and scour, assure that no fill or embankment materials are placed within the stormwater pond/wetland area, require all areas disturbed by construction be stabilized and permanently restored to a vegetative cover similar to existing conditions, and all stormwater inlet locations are provided with erosion protection and sediment traps to assure sediment does not enter into the new or existing stormwater sewer pipe.  Project information is available for review at the Roseau City Administrative Offices located at 121 Center Street E; Suite 202, Roseau, MN 56751 or by calling 218-463-1542.

If you have any information regarding potential environmental impacts associated with this proposed project, please provide it in writing to:

Kyle Darton

Environmental Protection Specialist

U.S. Department of Commerce

Economic Development Administration

Chicago Regional Office


A copy of the NEPA/NHPA decisional document will be available upon request at the above EDA Regional Office.

Comments received in the EDA Regional Office by 5:00 pm on October 9, 2023 will be considered.