Public Hearing - TH89 Project

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Roseau, Minnesota will conduct a public hearing on Monday, October 7, 2024 at 5:00 p.m., or as soon as possible thereafter, in the Council Chambers at City Center, 121 Center St E; Suite 201; Roseau, MN 56751. The public hearing will be held for the following purposes: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 161.164, the City of Roseau has received the final layout for State Project 6806-33, the construction of TH 89 from a point 60 feet south of the intersection of 7th St. SW to a point a point 130’ south of the intersection of TH 89 and TH 11. (the “Project”) A public hearing is necessary before the City determines whether to provide the required municipal consent for the Project. One or more representatives from MnDOT will be present at the public hearing to present the final layout for the Project. The final layout is available for review at the City Office front desk at 121 Center Street E; Suite 202, Roseau, MN. Any person wishing to express an opinion on the Project will be heard either orally or in writing at the public hearing. Written comments may also be provided prior to the hearing and should be addressed to: City Clerk, City of Roseau, 121 Center Street E; Suite 202, Roseau, MN, 56751.