Roseau City Code Table of Contents
TITLE I: General Provisions
- 10. General Provisions
- 30. City Council, City Officials
- 31. Departments, Boards, Commissions and Committees
- 32. City Policies
- 33. Civil Defense
- 34. Taxation and Finance
- 50. General Utilities
- 51. Garbage and Refuse
- 52. Electric Service
- 53. Water Service
- 54. Sewage Service
- 70. General Provisions
- 71. Traffic Regulations
- 72. Parking Regulations
- 73. Recreational Motor Vehicles
- 90. Park Regulations
- 91. Fire Preventions and Protection
- 92. Animals
- 93. Nuisances
- 94. Streets and Sidewalks
- 95. Airport Regulations, Commercial Operators
TITLE XI: Business Regulations
- 110. General Business Licenses and Regulations
- 111. Amusements
- 112. Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants
- 113. Alcoholic Beverages
- 114. Tetrahydrocannabinol Products
- 130. General Offenses
- 150. Building Regulations
- 151. Flood Plain Management
- 152. Subdivisions
- 153. Airport Zoning Regulations
- 154. Zoning Code
- Unnumbered – Ordinance 44, 3rd Series – Communal and Short Term Housing (end of 154).