The City of Roseau works hard to provide quality and affordable housing opportunities for local residents as well as those relocating to Roseau for employment opportunities. Roseau boasts a wide variety of housing stock in all price ranges and types. Whether you are looking to own or rent, newer or older home, single-family detached or multifamily unit, Roseau has worked hard to provide a good variety of housing options. Housing prices run from as low as $40,000 to over $500,000, so there are housing opportunities to fit every family's lifestyle. The city has many lots available for residential development with city services provided.
In addition the City participates with other entities in Roseau County to help provide financing for anyone seeking to purchase a new home. The Roseau County Affordable Housing Fund was created through contributions from Polaris Industries, Inc.; Marvin Windows & Doors; Roseau County; Roseau Electric Cooperative; and the Cities of Roseau , Badger, Warroad, and Greenbush to help provide low-interest downpayment assistance (up to $5,000) to anyone seeking to purchase a home in Roseau County. In addition, the City of Roseau has an incentive program for new housing providing up to $2,500 in rebates and credits per home.
Contact the City of Roseau for more information on any of these housing programs at (218) 463-5003. For information on the Roseau County Downpayment Assistance Program contact the NWMulti-County HRA at 218-637-2431.