Outdoor Warning Siren

Civil Defense

Roseau Outdoor Warning Siren System

The City of Roseau employs an outdoor warning  siren system located in the center of Roseau, and a supplemental siren west side of Roseau, to warn residents of impending dangers such as severe weather or other emergency situation in which residents should seek shelter. The sirens are also sounded to call firemen to the fire station to respond to an emergency situation.


A steady siren wail indicates an emergency situation and residents immediately take shelter and tune to local radio or Public Access Cable TV Channel 3 for further information. An intermittent wail is utilized to call firemen into service.  Residents should be aware of fireman reporting to the fire hall as well as emergency vehicles being dispatched.

Public Storm Shelter

Residents without basements or tornado shelters in their homes should seek shelter during severe weather at the Roseau Community School located at 509 3rd Street NE in Roseau.  Enter the School on the west side through door W-15.


CodeRED Community Notification System

The emergency siren system is intended to serve as an outdoor warning system.  The City cannot ensure that this, or any outdoor warning siren system, can provide sufficient notification to persons residing within buildings.  Residents concerned about receiving severe weather or other emergency warnings while indoors should sign up for the CodeRED Community Notification System sponsored by Roseau County Emergency Management Office.

The CodeRED system provides Roseau County officials the ability to quickly deliver important messages about severe weather, evacuation notices, missing children or other emergency alert or critical communication to targeted areas through an automated call network to subscriber phones.

Individuals can log onto the Roseau County website: and follow the link to the "CodeRED Community Notification Enrollment" page.  Those without internet access may also call 463-3376 or 463-4165, Monday-Friday from 8 am-4 pm to supply their information over the phone.