Planning, Zoning, and Building Permits
Development, land subdivision, land use within the Roseau city limits has been controlled with zoning and subdivision ordinances since 1975. For more information on planning and zoning regulations in Roseau contact the Community Development Coordinator's Office at 218-463-5003.
The City of Roseau participates in the Federal Flood Insurance Program and has been mapped for flood protection elevations. Recently adopted Letter of Map Revision Maps, or LOMR maps, reflecting the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers East Diversion Flood Control Project went into effect on July 31, 2017. The new LOMR maps have removed nearly all structures in the city limits from the 100-year regulatory floodplain. Any construction within the 100-year floodplain is regulated by the City's floodplain ordinance. For more information on floodplain regulations contact the Community Development Coordinator's Office at 218-463-5003. Current FEMA flood hazard maps can be viewed on FEMA's website.
Building permits are required for all construction projects within the City of Roseau. Anyone contemplating a building project involving new construction or addition is encouraged to schedule a preliminary meeting with the Community Development Coordinator's Office as soon as possible to discuss the project to determine if there are any land use or zoning issues involved in the project. The Community Development Coordinator can help identify and address issues that could cause project delays.
The Roseau Building Official is responsible for building permits, inspections, plumbing air tests and building code enforcement. The City of Roseau utilizes the 2020 Minnesota Building Code Set, as well as the Minnesota State Plumbing Code for code enforcement. Building permits are issued through the city's contracted Building Official, Greg Hufnagle, True Check LLC, 218-201-2587 or All requests to meet with or to request services from the Building Official must be scheduled in advance by calling the City Building Department Office at 218-463-2351. Some work may be exempt from a building permit and a list of these items can be found here or obtained from the Building Department. Building permit applications are available below. If you need assistance in completing these forms please contact the Building Official at 218-689-3545 or the Community Development Coordinator at 218-463-5003. Completed building permit applications and plan sets should be provided to the Roseau Utility Department located at 1198 Center Street W along with the required application fees.
Building and Zoning Resources & Forms: